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Jon Falt


Article: Radio & Podcasts

Dave Sewelson, Satoko Fujii and Tatsuya Yoshida & More

Read "Dave Sewelson, Satoko Fujii and Tatsuya Yoshida & More" reviewed by Maurice Hogue

There's a definite theme of muscular sounding saxophone in this edition of One Man's Jazz: Dave Sewelson, Steve Baczkowski, Chris Pitsiokos, Massimo Magee, Tomasz Szukalski, Marty Ehrlich, Cene Resnik, David Leon, Jonas Kullhammar and Remy Alvarez can all skronk with the best of them, and they're somewhere blowing their reeds apart throughout the music in this ...


Article: Album Review

Bobo Stenson Trio: War Orphans

Read "War Orphans" reviewed by Dan McClenaghan

Manfred Eicher started ECM Records in 1969. Fifty years later, in 2019, with over 1500 releases to its name, the label continues to offer up compelling and unclassifiable music. And since the catalog is deep, and early-in-the-effort recordings have become harder to find, ECM periodically re-releases some of these gems, tagging them Touchstones. Early ...

Article: Album Review

Bobo Stenson: Contra la indecision

Read "Contra la indecision" reviewed by Giuseppe Segala

Con Bobo Stenson siamo di fronte a uno dei volti caratteristici scaturiti dalla scena musicale del Nord Europa: quello segnato dalla raffinatezza timbrica, dallo scandaglio armonico, dalla ricerca melodica ricca di sfumature e digressioni che per certi versi fa riferimento a Bill Evans, ma ne anestetizza la forza dinamica, la nettezza tagliente, i bagliori di fulmine. ...


Article: Live Review

Bray Jazz Festival 2018

Read "Bray Jazz Festival 2018" reviewed by Ian Patterson

Bray Jazz Festival Various Venues jny:Bray, Ireland May 4-6, 2018 From the hilltop vantage point the Irish Sea lies veiled under a blanket of thick mist. Greystones, five miles to the right, birthplace of the great Christy Doran, peeks out, seemingly floating above the misty clouds like a Roger ...


Article: Album Review

Lisa Björänge Quintet: Resting Spirit

Read "Resting Spirit" reviewed by Troy Dostert

The subject matter on Swedish vocalist Lisa Björänge's third album, Resting Spirit, is heavy stuff: difficult relationships, poignant memories, and the daily struggle for personal happiness and peace. But fortunately, Björänge's top- notch quintet brings an invigorating purpose and vitality to these eight tunes, leaving one grateful for having plumbed their emotional depths, since a confident ...


Article: Album Review

Susana Santos Silva, Lotte Anker, Sten Sandell, Torbjörn Zetterberg, Jon Fält: Life and Other Transient Storms

Read "Life and Other Transient Storms" reviewed by John Sharpe

Portuguese trumpeter Susana Santos Silva has become increasingly prominent on the European scene. When she was invited to put together a band for the 2015 Tampere Jazz Happening in Finland, she came up with the talented cast showcased here. Swedish bassist Torbjorn Zetterberg has worked with her before on Amost Tomorrow (Clean Feed, 2013) and If ...


Article: Extended Analysis

Fredrik Ljungkvist / Yun Kan 10: Ten

Read "Fredrik Ljungkvist / Yun Kan 10: Ten" reviewed by Eyal Hareuveni

Acclaimed Swedish reed player Fredrik Ljungkvist's key solo outfit is the Yun Kan band. This band, in its incarnation as a quintet, released two remarkable albums, Yun Kan 12345 and Badaling (Caprice, 2004 and 2007) and in recent years operated in a slimmed down version as Yun Kan 3 and as an ambitious outgrowth of the ...


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