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John Corbett's UNHEARD MUSIC SERIES: Debut & Upcoming Releases on ATAVISTIC

John Corbett's UNHEARD MUSIC SERIES: Debut & Upcoming Releases on ATAVISTIC

Source: All About Jazz

Re: John Corbett's UNHEARD MUSIC SERIES details & images: http://www.atavistic.com

Think of all the great dormant music. Unmarked tapes languishing in basements. Life-altering records long out-of-print, available only to collectors with deep pockets.... The dustbin of sonic history: Unheard Music.

Unheard, that is, until now. Atavistic's new Unheard Music Series lets you access the heretofore inaccessible. Hand chosen by writer, producer and musician John Corbett, the series scours the earth in an ongoing treasure-hunt for rarities from the realms of ...

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