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Market Maker by Daniel Stahre

From the album

"Market Maker" by

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Album Title: Margin Call II
Label: Self Produced
Released: 2024
Duration: 29:59:48


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About the Album

The song 'Market Maker' is included in the new album Margin Call II, recorded live in January 2023. The song title hints towards one of the oldest question there is: who makes the market?


Gånglåt från Halland; Swinging; Interlude; Infinite Liquidity; Market Maker; This is Life; Waltz No. 3; Utopia Street Fighter; How did I miss you?


Viktor Turegård
bass, acoustic
Martin Freidlitz
guitar, electric

Date featured

August 16, 2024

This song appears by permission of the contributing artist and/or record company.
It is for personal use only; no other rights are granted or implied.

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