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Jazz Articles about Antonio Sanchez

Album Review

Pat Metheny: From This Place

Read "From This Place" reviewed by John Kelman

It's been a full six years since Pat Metheny last released a studio recording. This, despite the guitarist who has become, in a career now in the midst of its fifth decade, one of the most famous and influential jazz guitarists of his (or, some would argue, any) generation, reportedly having enough material in the can for five or six releases. Nor is it as if he hasn't kept busy. The guitarist, for whom live performance has always ...

Live Review

Antonio Sanchez & Migration al Roma Jazz Festival

Read "Antonio Sanchez & Migration al Roma Jazz Festival" reviewed by Serena Antinucci

Antonio Sanchez & Migration Auditorium Parco della Musica Roma Jazz Festival 4.11.2019 “Alcune persone sognano mondi di fantasia, io sogno muri." (Jean René, in arte JR) Per Kikito non esistono regole quando si parla di barriere, di confini protettivi. Sette anni, di Tecate (Messico) è il protagonista dell'installazione mobile dell'artista francese JR: un bimbo gigante posto sul muro che divide il Messico dagli Stati Uniti, al confine con la contea di San Diego. ...

Live Review

Festival International de Jazz de Montréal 2019

Read "Festival International de Jazz de Montréal 2019" reviewed by John Kelman

Festival International de Jazz de Montréal Various Venues Montréal, Canada June 27 -July 1, 2019 Forty years. Not a lifetime, perhaps, but a remarkably long time for any festival to not only continue to exist but, despite increasing challenges, to thrive. An even greater achievement when it's the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal, which has grown from its humble beginnings In 1980 into the largest festival of its kind in the world. A festival ...

Album Review

Antonio Sanchez & Migration: Lines in the Sand

Read "Lines in the Sand" reviewed by Claudio Bonomi

Antonio Sanchez, compositore e batterista di fama internazionale, confeziona una suite che non è solo un tributo e un atto di solidarietà nei confronti dei migranti che quotidianamente tentano di varcare il confine tra Messico e Stati Uniti in cerca di una vita migliore, ma anche un atto d'accusa contro le politiche demagogiche e piene di retorica di una Casa Bianca ormai sorda a ogni istanza umanitaria o di cambiamento. Sanchez ricorda nelle note di copertina di Lines ...

In Pictures

2018 Moncalieri Jazz Festival

Read "2018 Moncalieri Jazz Festival" reviewed by Antonio Baiano

Album Review

Antonio Sanchez - WDR Big Band conducted by Vince Mendoza: Channels of Energy

Read "Channels of Energy" reviewed by Angelo Leonardi

La relazione tra la Cam Records di Ermanno Basso e il noto batterista messicano si fa sempre più eclettica e appassionante. Nel dicembre 2016, poche settimane dopo l'incisione del disco in solo di Antonio Sanchez Bad Hombre (pubblicato qualche mese fa), s'è concretizzato nel Rundfunk Studio di Colonia un sogno lungamente accarezzato dal produttore e dal batterista. Un progetto che dà una veste orchestrale a sue passate composizioni (già presenti negli album New Life, Three Times Three e TheMeridianSuite).

Album Review

Antonio Sanchez: Bad Hombre

Read "Bad Hombre" reviewed by Dan Bilawsky

Antonio Sanchez's drum score for Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) served as a game-changer in the film industry, completely upending notions of what a soundtrack can and can't be. But more importantly, it altered our collective viewpoint on what the art of solo drumming is capable of expressing. Pulling sound from nothing more than skins and cymbals, Sanchez managed to produce and reflect serious emotional content. So is it any surprise that the next phase of his evolutionary ...


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