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Margin Call II

Daniel Stahre

Label: Self Produced
Released: 2024
Duration: 29:59:48
Views: 252


Gånglåt från Halland; Swinging; Interlude; Infinite Liquidity; Market Maker; This is Life; Waltz No. 3; Utopia Street Fighter; How did I miss you?


Viktor Turegård
bass, acoustic
Martin Freidlitz
guitar, electric

Album Description

In the sequel "Margin Call II", Daniel Stahre comments on contemporary life in a personal way, almost out of necessity. In songs like 'Infinite Liquidity' and 'Market Maker', inspiration is drawn from the great financial endpoint that also adorns the album series: Margin Call - to cover a loss or be forced to sell. Balancing hope and integrity, the album explores the idea of an end point which preoccurs every crisis and where power imbalances are allowed to break. Towards the end of the album, songs such as 'This is life' and 'Waltz no. 3' offer reconciliatory progress and resolution. The music sounds clear despite a difficult terrain and carries a bright appearance reminiscent of the Swedish musical tradition of Lars Jansson, J:son Lindh and Bobo Stenson. The musicians once again include members of Little Dragon and Franska Trion, with Viktor Turegård on double bass, Erik Bodin on drums and Martin Freidlitz on electric guitar. The album was recorded in Gothenburg by Åke Linton in January 2023 and stereo-mastered at the Swedish Grammophone Studio by Hans Olsson. Parts of the album are mixed in Dolby Atmos at Spinnroad Studios in Lindome, Gothenburg.

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Margin Call II

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