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Billy Higgins Tribute/Benefit Was A Rousing Success


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The Benefit/Tribute For Billy Higgins,held in LA on Sunday,March 18th.2001 was a ROARING LOVING SUCCESS!!! Herbie Hancock & Hubert Laws performed together.Kenny Burrell,Ernie Andrews,Barbara Morrison,The Rev.O.C.Smith,Sherman Ferguson's “JazzUnion",Teddy Edwards and his Big Band,David Ornette Cherry,Charles McPherson & Son,Larance Marable,George Bohanon & BonSoir,Harold Lands(Senior & Junior)John Heard,Richard Reid,Roberto Miranda,and an excellent student ensemble from the LA area, plus many others performed and 'demonstrated their loving feelings'to Mr.Billy Higgins.For those of you unaware,Billy is in need of another liver transplant.He is in 'good spirits' physically & emotionally,and is a “model" of Strong Spiritual & Humanly Fortitude!!! Thousands of dollars were collected on his behalf to help with his enormous medical costs. If anyone would care to contribute,they may send their contribution to:Billy Higgins, c/o The WorldStage,P.O.Box#83253 LA CA 90083 The event was conceived/organised by Mr.Clint Rosemond and his hard working staff of volunteers,and should be 'commended' for everyones efforts...

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