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Ex-Beach Boy Jardine Recruits Neil Young, Steve Miller for Solo Album


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Former Beach Boy Al Jardine recruited an impressive group of all-star friends to be part of his new solo album, which he plans to release in early summer.

Neil Young, Brian Wilson, Steve Miller, Stephen Stills, Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea and Glen Campbell all guest on “Post Card From California," which includes a mix of original songs and “a Beach Boys standard or two," including “Help Me, Rhonda."

“They've all been great," Jardine told Billboard.com about his guests while attending the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction ceremony Saturday in Cleveland. “Steve Miller flew up, diverted his jet to Monterey to be on it. (Young) wanted to play but the track was done. But he was very generous; we spent all day on it."

Jardine described the album as a conceptual piece, “a travelogue for California. It actually takes you through the experience of being there in that environment and driving up Coast Route 1. It's kinda cool."

Stylistically he calls it “post-Beach Boy...easy listening. In the aftershock of what we've been through, it's gonna be real nice to get into that California feeling."

Jardine is still looking for a distributor for the album but expects to have one soon.

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