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'Bonnaroo 365' Launches with Raconteurs Set


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The Raconteurs' feverish Bonnaroo 2008 set, which is now streaming on Bonnaroo.com, will be the first of a host of content to go live on the site in the weeks to come under the mantle Bonnaroo 365.

“The vision of where we can take the template and application I think is going to be 10 times beyond what we're seeing now," says Jonathan Mayers, president of Bonnaroo co-producer Superfly Presents. “We're really excited to launch this program with the Raconteurs. This is really 'phase one' of where we think we can go."

All footage for Bonnaroo 365 will be taken directly from the festival's master tapes, and the audio is remixed from soundboard recordings. The goal is to have a large archive of performances on the Bonnaroo site that can be accessed through a wide range of distribution channels, ultimately including user-generated content.

“We have over 300 full sets that are line cut, iso-cammed, beautifully shot, and lots more audio multi-track," says Mayers. “Last year we filmed about 70 full performances."

Over the years, Bonnaroo has offered a variety of different audio/video programs including Webcasts, broadcasts and physical product, and Mayers says they're all “opt-in" programs.

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